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How To Hang Peel And Stick Wallpaper – By Yourself
Are you ready to hang peel-and-stick wallpaper in your home – all by yourself? These are some tips and tricks that you can use to make this…
MEET Sara Lee
Hello friend!
Hi There! I’m Sara (Lee) and I’m a girl who is determined to get my life together once and for all. I started this whole blog adventure to get real about what it’s like to get organized- in all ways. And, to remind everyone that the best moments in life are often simple moments. Too much stuff and the chaos of being disorganized can just well… make life too complicated and stressful. So let’s simplify together!
Currently Loving

Download OUR free guide
Spring Cleaning Checklist
for busy families

MEET Sara Lee
Hello friend!
Hi There! I’m Sara (Lee) and I’m a girl who is determined to get my life together once and for all. I started this whole blog adventure to get real about what it’s like to get organized- in all ways. And, to remind everyone that the best moments in life are often simple moments. Too much stuff and the chaos of being disorganized can just well… make life too complicated and stressful. So let’s simplify together!
Currently Loving

Download OUR free guide
Spring Cleaning Checklist
for busy families