Are you looking for the best time management tips for teens to help you learn how to support your teenager through these busy years? These are the tested and approved tips that you can try.
Parenting teenagers is a tricky business. If you’re anything like me, you are trying your best to be helpful and supportive during this busy time in their lives. As a mom of two teenagers, I am giving you the best time management tips for teens that I have found to be helpful.
You are going to learn about the best time management tips for teens from time management tools for high school students, to time management activities, worksheets, skills, books, and more.
This post is all about the best time management tips for teens that will help them succeed in meeting their goals.
Best Time Management Tips For Teens
1. Use Time Management Tools
Simple time management tools can make a world of difference in your teen’s daily organization. Because there is so much available information, you can help your teen by narrowing the search down to a few tools. In other words, giving them a few options for tools is more likely to push them to use one. Here are a few tools to suggest:
- Calendars– As much as your teen might think they can keep everything in their head, they can’t. In short, a calendar is a basic tool to manage time for anyone. Honestly, I wish I had taught my kids to use one from the time they started kindergarten. (If you have a younger child – start now!)
Planner For Enthusiastic Organizers:
(If you have a teen that would prefer a calendar system complete with stickers and matching bookmarks and decorative pages then this is the calendar for him or her.)
The Life Planner Collection By Erin Condren
Price at time of post $49.28
Planner For Non-Enthusiastic Organizers:
(If you have a teen that dreads any type of calendar, then this minimalistic blank monthly calendar will do the trick.)
Check Out This Minimalistic Planner On
Price at Time Of Post: $7.89
- To-Do List – As much as a calendar is a great start, a to-do list is also a necessary component of time management. Three ways teens benefit from a to-do list are: they decrease anxiety, provide structure and provide a record of daily accomplishments.
Paper/Pencil To-Do List:
Price at the time of the post: $9.99
To-Do List App
Click Here To Check Out Todoist
Free with in-app purchases available
A Very Simple Method For Minimalists:
Even though there are tons of ways to keep track of to-do’s, your teen might benefit from just using the reminders app that comes with apple devices. If you want to use your reminders for a to-do list, then you can label each list by the day of the week or categories to better keep track of everything.
- Time Tracking Device– As much as our teens think they know how much time an activity takes them, they don’t. In order to really know how long something takes, we need a way to time it. Not only can a teen use an app to time track, but written and even physical timers can help. For example, here are three very different types of trackers to consider.
Time Tracker App
Check out the Focus Keeper App Here!
Free with in-app purchases available.
Pomodoro Timer
Click Here To Get This Timer On Amazon
Price at the time of the post: $37.99 with a $4.00 off coupon available.
Time Tracker Log Book
Click Here To Buy From Amazon.
Price at the time of the blog post: $9.99 with a 10% off coupon available.
2. Time Management Activities
To demonstrate time management to a teen, you can use activities to make your point more understandable. Here are two activities you can do with your teen to give them a new perspective on time.
- Mayo Jar Lesson- If your teen is having trouble prioritizing their important tasks, then this activity is perfect for you to use. You simply need a large glass jar, rocks or ping pong balls, smaller rocks, sand, and water. The goal of the activity is to get everything to fit in the jar. In order for everything to fit into the jar, the big rocks need to go in first. This gives a visual example of how to give your most important tasks or goals priority in your day. Here is a youtube video example that you can watch with your teen.
- $86,400 Activity– In the hope that your teen will see that is more valuable than money, have your teen pretend they have to spend $86,400.00 in one day. (The number of seconds in a day) Have them write down how the money will be spent and share it. Given that teens often focus on money more than time, the activity is sure to resonate with them.
3. Time Management Skills
- Set Goals– In addition to telling you goals or thinking about them, encourage your teen to write them down and revisit them.
- Deal With Distractions – Help them create a designated study space, preferably free from technology.
- Make Note of Deadlines– As well as a phone or paper calendar, a wall calendar where your teen can see it daily can help be a constant reminder of deadlines.
Click Here to take a look at this one on
Price at the time of the post: $14.04
- Routines – Eventually your teen will have to look at their morning, eating, evening, and sleeping routines and habits. In order to take full advantage of their time, they need healthy and stable routines built into their days.
- Ask For Help– For fear that they won’t fit in, teens often fail to admit when they need help. As parents, it’s important to check in with your teenagers to see if they need extra support in any area. You might be surprised by what they might say.
4. Time Management Books
In reality, your teen is not likely to read many books that aren’t assigned – especially not a time management book. But, as parents, we can read up on as much as we can and help guide our teens to be more successful. Here are a few books that you might want to check out:
Check Out This High Ranking Book On
Price at the time of blog post: $5.00
Click Here to buy this book from
Price at the time of the post: $12.29
This post was all about the best time management tips for teens.
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