Want to know the car console essentials that everyone should stock? These are the must have items that you should keep with you for any on the go emergency.
How long has it been since you’ve emptied your car console and really made sure you have what you need in there? Well, it’s been awhile for me. Although my car always looks neat and tidy, my console needed a makeover. It got me thinking about what car console essentials I should keep with me while I’m on the move.
You’re going to learn all about the car console essentials that you need to put in your car ASAP.
After you stock your car with all of these products you are going to drive with confidence and be ready for anything that a road trip might surprise you with… ok almost anything.
This post is all about the best car console essentials that every driver should have at all times.
Best Car Console Essentials
Let’s start with the most important idea you haven’t thought of. You NEED containers to separate your console into categories. If you just toss everything into that little space it will be a pile of a mess. Believe me. So, let’s look at some options:
You can find these clear containers HERE ON AMAZON. They are perfect because you can see through them and they are easy to label. This package comes in 24 pieces, but think of the possibilities! You can use them in other areas of your car and in your house.
Let’s face it, you need sunglasses most days when you’re driving. It’s terrible to be stuck squinting and using your hand to half shield your eyes so the sun won’t burn your retinas. It’s kind of dangerous to not be able to see. If you’re looking for a new pair for the car, I love Ray-Ban.
Try a classic look, like these:
Click Here To Check These Out!
First Aid Kit
You can definitely build your own kit and use a clear container to keep everything you need. I would personally go that route, but if you’re looking for a mini kit to throw in the console I found this one:
Click Here To Buy This One On Amazon
Ok… there are times you need tools to deal with little issues life throws at you. And, they can happen on the road. Need to cut packaging? Need to quickly repair your glasses? Need tweezers for a nose hair you just noticed? (ok… the last one isn’t really an emergency) Get a multipurpose tool for your console so you’re prepared for everything. Check this one out!
Click HERE to buy this best seller on amazon!
Gum, Mints, Candy or Breath Strips
Listen, sometimes a breath freshener is necessary. You know it’s true. You will be so happy that you have a mint to offer that one kid who forget to brush his teeth before school. Things happen. And, it’s nice to have fresh breath walking out of your car and into your life.
CLICK HERE to get a big bag of our favorites from Amazon.
Pen/ Paper
We all have phones to take pictures, look up things, add events to our calendars and even to give us directions, but sometimes we need to write things down. We just do. This little notebook is special. You can write with a pen and scan it into your phone and even better… you can wipe the paper clean when you’re done with it. This little notebook is perfect for your console. The paper will always be there for you and you’ll never run out. It seems too good to be true, but just click the link below to see how it works. You’re welcome!
CLICK HERE to find this little gem on Amazon.
Accidents happen. Spills, sticky hands, paw prints and runny noses. Your car console needs to hold some wipes. Tissues come in travel sizes at your local drug store. Car wipes come in small containers to fit into your glove box or consoles. But, I have found that just plain hand wipes (not the ones with bleach) come in handy the most. You can wipe anything with those! And, best of all, these individually wrapped wipes won’t dry out in your car.
CLICK HERE to find these wipes on Amazon.
This post was all about the must have car console essentials.
It’s a good idea to freshen up areas in our life and our cars are often overlooked. I hope after you read this post you will take a look in that console and think about what you can do to be more prepared while you’re on the move.
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