Desk organization tips are useful to anyone struggling to keep this busy surface area clean and clear. Tackling a teen desk can be even more complicated because teens are often… more complicated.
When we bought our cape-style home, I always knew I wanted to create study areas in the eves of the kids’ bedrooms. Because the room is built with a tucked-back spot with a window, it makes a perfect place to add a desk.
Now, when I envisioned my son’s desk, I didn’t really think it would end up looking like this:
But, this is where we ended up after months of college applications on top of homework and sports. I’ll share very simple desk organization tips so you can get to the surface of your desk in no time!
This post is all about the best desk organization tips that can help anyone- including a teenage boy!
Before starting any organizational project, keep in mind the personality of the person you are helping. Your style may not match theirs – that is definitely true in this project! Also, keep your goals in mind the entire time. In this case, I didn’t need to get fancy at all (no labels or fun trips to the Container Store for me – BOO!). The goal was a simple one – clear the desk and find a way to keep it clear. That’s it!
Desk Organization Tip #1 – Clear The Entire Space
Yes – I mean the entire space!
If you take the time to clear everything out of the space, then you will be able to see it in a new light. Using laundry baskets to sort papers from “things” while you declutter is very helpful for the next step. In fact, you should also have a garbage/ recycling can near to further sort.
Tip #2: Clean
Although you might be in a rush to sort your things and organize your desk, you need to clean first. Because the desk is free and clear of everything, this is the perfect time to deep clean the space. Let’s go!
Tip #3 – Sort and Purge
In the event that you are in fact organizing for a teenager or for anyone other than yourself, be careful here. Remember, the goal is to help, not to cause an upset. Because my son’s desk became a drop zone for basically everything, I had to really sort carefully. Although I did purge obvious garbage, anything questionable I put aside to gain his insight.
Tip #4: Add Back ONLY What Is Needed
Even though I really wanted to go to the Container Store and buy the most amazing organizers for this desk, I didn’t. My son is leaving for school next year and he is using his desk mainly to store memorabilia and a few pens. The Container Store will have to wait for my daughter’s desk makeover!
Remember, work from your goals. My first goal going into this project was to clear the desk surface to make his room neater. Secondly, I wanted to get all of his lacrosse “stuff” off the desk and into a basket so he could easily find it. Most importantly, I wanted to get all of the college stuff out of his room and take some of the stress of waiting on decisions out of his sight.
Goal Accomplished!
Tip #5: Commit To A Clean Desk Policy
First of all, have you ever heard of a Clean Desk Policy? I didn’t know a thing about this until recently – probably because I’m not in cooperate America. Basically, some offices have made it a rule to clear your desk completely at the end of the work day. And, you have to power down your computer. Are you guilty of leaving your laptop on pretty much all the time? I know I am. If I told my teenager that we have a new “policy” after this desk cleanse – He would not find that to be fair. But, if I added a little more incentive with a bonus amount added to his allowance for keeping a clear desk, I might just be able to make it stick! We shall see!
Links To Desk And Supplies
If you’re looking for a tiny desk or some great desk organizational supplies, here is a list of ideas:
- Teeny Tiny Desk from Ikea
- Small Drawer Set from Ikea (exact model no longer available)
- Wall Organization Great For Teen Boy Room from PB Teen
- Small Desk Lamp from Ikea
- Cool Bungee Office Chair
- My favorite Desk Organizers Ever!
This Post Was All About The Best Desk Organization Tips For Teen Boys And Beyond!
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Clear your desk. Tie your hair up. Grab a coffee, and just start!”