Are you attempting a DIY garage interior paint project? I’m tackling this BIG project right now and I have a few tips for you so far.
Deciding to take on a big DIY project is both exciting and intimidating, but it will be worth it, right? Let me tell you that I have learned a lot from my interior garage paint project. It hasn’t been easy so far, but I’m happy I’m making progress and I can share tips with you.
You are going to learn the biggest lessons I have learned so far from working on my own garage paint project. You will learn about the best paint, the paint brush and what type of roller might work best for you.
After learning from my tips, you will be ready to conquer your own DIY project. You got this!
This post is all about the best tips to help you with your interior garage paint project.
Best Garage Interior Paint Project Tips:
Carve Out Time:
This tip might sound like a no-brainer, but if you’re adding a large project to your life you need a plan or you just won’t get around to doing it. I actually bought the materials for this project over a month ago, but it wasn’t until I blocked out time for it and learned how to better time manage that I actually made progress. If you need a little extra help managing your time, this book made all the difference for me. David Allen breaks down how to start a project and see it through to the end. It’s a great reference, especially if you have a lot going on in your life- and I know you do.
Click Here To Buy This Book On AMAZON.
2. Prep The Surfaces:
You might be tempted to grab the paint and a brush and get right to it, but I’m guessing your garage isn’t clean enough to paint. Spider webs, dirt and dust were covering the walls and ceilings in my garage. You can’t really skip this step. After the wipe down, you’ll want to fill cracks and holes to give yourself a smooth clean surface to work with.
Here are the cleaning supplies I used to get my garage ready for paint:
My Favorite Bucket In The World
Click HERE To Buy This Collapsible Bucket On Amazon.
The BEST Multipurpose Cleaner:
Click HERE To Buy This On Amazon
This is what I chose to use to fill in all of my holes and cracks
Click HERE To Buy This From Home Depot.
3. Work From The Top Down
I know you have heard this a million times and it won’t matter, you will still feel tempted to just start painting the walls… Stop. Put the brush down. Deep breath. Yes, you have to paint the ceiling. Most likely it’s as dirty and dingy as your walls and if you skip it, you will kick yourself. If you’re going to take the time to do it, you will be happier if you do it right. Oh, and yes you need two coats. I know you don’t want to do two, but it needs it. Now that we have that out of the way… you need to pick your poison. What will it be…the long handled roller or the dreaded ladder. I chose to go with the ladder:
Click HERE To Buy This One On Amazon.
If you want to go with the long-handled roller, this one got great reviews:
Click HERE to buy this best seller on Amazon.
4. Paint Matters
After reading quite a few posts and articles about which paint is the best for a garage I went with a white semi-gloss that was both a combination paint/ primer. Semi-gloss paint is very cleanable and has a little sheen to it that will make your space brighter and whiter. I also like the idea of a pure white space because my garage is also used for storage (I bet yours is too) and the more simple I can make the space, the better.
This paint has been great so far, try this out from Home Depot:
Click HERE to buy this amazing paint from Home Depot.
5. The Paint Brush
This part is tricky for me because I feel like a paint brush is a personal choice. My personal absolute favorite paint brush is this little short handled trim brush. It has a flexible handle and after one use, I was hooked!
Here is my favorite little trim brush:
Click HERE to buy this little trim brush on Amazon.
But, for this project I didn’t need a great brush because my garage has a textured plaster finish. I used a generic brush that was included in the paint kit. The brush currently looks frayed and abused and it’s only the middle of the project. If you have textured walls, just use a cheaper brush.
Here is the kit I bought for this project:
Click HERE to buy this kit on Home Depot.
This post was all about my top tips for your DIY garage interior paint project.
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I like things to happen. And it they don’t happen, I like to make them happen.”
~Winston Churchill