Have you ever had your hopes up because you thought Mother’s Day was going to be special and relaxing and definitely memorable… only to end the day feeling disappointed? Have you caught yourself reminding your family throughout the day that THIS day was supposed to be different? It can be hard for both you and your family to know how to celebrate Mother’s Day, but I found some things that worked for me and they might just work for you. Here are my top tips to make your Mother’s day special and I’ll give you a hint… some of the responsibility falls on you.
5 Tips To A Better Mother’s Day
1…You Have to Plan!
- I’m starting with the BIGGEST piece of advice first. Ready for this? You need to plan your day yourself or at least be involved in the planning. So many moms wait for someone to swoop in and plan them a perfect Mother’s Day and many times their loved ones miss the mark… by a lot. Maybe all you really wanted was to have a quiet breakfast at home, but your husband booked a brunch with family at a crowded restaurant. It’s hard on everyone when a surprise doesn’t bring joy. You need to take some responsibility for communicating what you really want or need. Do you want to eat out, involve the rest of your family, spend some time outside or do you really need time alone? And if you don’t know… how will anyone else know? I’m not saying you should have to do ALL the work, but hey… help your family out and give them a hint…it will make you all happier.
2… You Need a List!
- Hot on the heels of my number one piece of advice is to know what you want. Listen, I am a big advocate of having an ongoing wishlist. Seriously, keep one. There are things that you want -I don’t care if it’s a subscription to Spotify or a new pair of Ugg slippers. There are always things we want to add to our lives. When you see something you would love to have… put it on a list right away. Then, when holidays come or people put you on the spot and ask what you’d like – be blunt. It will bring beautiful things into your life and it will keep your loved ones from wasting money on unused gifts.
3… It’s Ok to Ask for a Moment… ALONE (gasp)!
- Take a Moment Alone. It’s ok… seriously…it is. If you’re overwhelmed or busy and all you really want is an hour to yourself. Do it. Light a candle and take a bubble bath, get your nails done, take a walk, go shopping alone or splurge on a massage. It’s your day. Take a breather. You will be happier for it. And, if you’re single or you will be alone with your kids this year… put on a movie at some point in the day and sneak a little time to yourself. You have permission… from me at least.
4… Photo Shoot!
- Do you have a camera roll filled with pictures of your kids and you’re not in any of them? It’s a mom problem. Get some pictures this Mother’s Day and this time make sure you’re in them. This is always on my list. I don’t care what we are wearing or that it isn’t a professional photo. I just want a picture with me and my kids. Even a selfie will do – sometimes those silly selfies are the best pictures! (like the silly one I just posted – please don’t tell my kids by the way…)
5… Make It a Fun Day For Everyone!
- Try planning an outing with your kids and make it fun for all of you. Today is a great day to avoid whining. My teens no longer love hiking… so Mother’s Day is not the day to force that. I don’t want to hear complaining. Instead, opt for something everyone will have fun doing. One year I took everyone indoor sky diving. One year we took a family tennis lesson. It could be anything – get creative!
Mother’s Day Sara Simplicity Style
Ok… I have my Mother’s Day all planned out. Will it go down the way I planned? Who knows! But hey, a girl can try. Here’s my plan:
- I want a picture with my kids… of course.
- I asked my daughter’s horse riding instructor if my daughter could give me a horse grooming lesson (which is a little out of my comfort zone, but I know it will be fun). I want to try to get pictures or a video. She will be bossy, but we will have a great time.
- To spend a little time with my son, I asked him to take me to a BIG EMPTY parking lot and give me a lesson on driving a car with a manual transmission. My dad taught me years ago, but I didn’t practice enough to get comfortable. He recently learned, so I thought it would be fun for him to take me out. He will love this and he will laugh at me a lot. I have no idea how I can film this, but I’ll look into it because I think I will want footage!
- I also asked to take a quick few spins around the go cart track with the whole family before dinner.
- We made a reservation for an early dinner at a Japanese restaurant we all enjoy.
- It feels like kind of an easy fun day for all of us. I didn’t factor in time alone because my kids are older and while they’re at school so I can steal a moment some time next week.
My Biggest Mother’s Day Wish…

My Mother’s Day is going to be special and I’m lucky in so many ways. I’m grateful for so many things – I really am… But if you want to know my real wish… it would be to spend the day with my mom. We don’t live as close as I thought we would and I love and miss her every. single. day. Next year mom!