Are the indoor plants that you add to your cart really just on their way to death row? Do plants try to hide from your black thumb and seem to scream “NOOO” when you choose to take them home? Here are 3 things I have learned to keep my green friends alive and happy.
This post is all about 3 ways to not kill your indoor plants
Adding indoor plants to your home can take your space from “blah” to “WOW” as long as your green friends stay green. If you’re like me and have watched one too many house plants die a slow brown death, you might want a little advice.
You are going to learn 3 simple tips I use to keep my friends green and alive. I haven’t had to buy a replacement plant in a long while! If I can do this, you can too!
This post is all about 3 ways to not kill your indoor plants.
How Not To Kill Your Indoor Plants
1. Choose Your Plants Wisely
I have killed a lot of beautiful indoor plants. I mean a lot. (Ok… and some outdoor plants too.) And, the reason they died was because I didn’t spend the time learning about their needs. Honestly, I wanted something green on a shelf or in an empty corner. I chose my plants based on looks and size and… that feeling of “oh… you are perfect for that empty spot!” After sadly pulling brown shriveled plants from bright white pots time and time again I decided to make a change. I researched and found the lowest maintenance indoor plants I could find and I stuck to those. So, if you are like me and you want plants that don’t need a lot from you, try these guys: snake plants, succulents, peace lilies and recently I was brave and I’m trying to keep a mass cane plant happy. That is my challenge plant!
2. Don’t Drown/ Don’t Drought
Your indoor plants need you to hear this. Overwatering is one of the biggest killers. But, starving your plants of water will kill them too. If your plant looks like it’s struggling don’t put it in the sink and turn on the water full blast. (I tried that… I replaced that plant not long after the waterfall incident.) Give it a little and stay consistent. I water once a week – because I have nice low maintenance indoor plants. I started a routine and I stick to it. Sundays I give my green buddies some extra attention. But, learn about your plants enough to understand how often to water them!
3. Take Them Outside To Breathe
Give your plants a vacation and take them outside! If it’s going to rain one day of the week, that’s the day to give them a field trip. Rainwater is much better for your greens. It has less salt, less chemicals and more of what they need to be healthy. They can breathe easier outside and a good rain bath will wash off any house dust that has collected on their leaves and soil. So, do it! Get them out! But, only if the temperature is steadily about 50 degrees. Please don’t kill all of your plants at once by frosting them!
This post was all about 3 ways to not kill your indoor plants.