Have you been eyeing a new couch and want a REAL DEAL Lovesac sectional review? Well, I just bought and installed one and I have a lot to say about it! If you’re on the fence, this just might help you decide.
(Please ignore the bulldog side-eye… apparently, my picture-taking was interrupting his all-day nap.)
Buying a couch these days isn’t like it used to be. There are so many options and the research alone can be overwhelming. Also, it’s a huge piece of furniture, it’s not like you can toss it in the car and take it to the nearest UPS store for an easy return. You want to get this one right the first time!
After a ton of researching and overthinking, I am pretty sure we got this one right. I want to share a full Lovesac sectional review with you so you can weigh the good, bad, and ugly and make an informed choice.
This post is an HONEST Lovesac sectional review written just days after adding this couch to my living room.
A Real Deal Lovesac Sectional Review
Before I get into the full review I want to start with how we landed on Lovesac in the first place. And it all began with this couch:
CLICK HERE for a link to this Crate and Barrel sectional.
This “oldie but goodie” has served us well but after the years went by and the wear and tear started to set in, we knew it was time to start researching a replacement. Just to be clear – This couch is eight years old. NO ONE eats on our couches (well not when I’m looking anyhow…). And, we don’t have kids rough-housing on our couches either (again… not when I’m looking). For an eight-year-old, she doesn’t look too shabby. Also, if you are researching couches and you like this style, this sectional is from Crate and Barrel.
Old Couch Issues
Needless to say… it was time to start the replacement process. So the research began!
Why Lovesac?
- So Many Options: Ok… more options than you can ever imagine. If you have a small space, they have a couch. If you have a huge space, they have a couch. If you have a weird-shaped room… you guessed it, they have a couch for you. They have so many colors and fabric options. Honestly, this brand has the most options. Period.
- Completely Washable: When I tell you this couch is washable, I mean it’s fully and completely washable. Not just the cushions, the whole darn thing can be thrown in your washing machine! (This was my MAIN must-have.)
{Related Post: 5 Ways Washable Rugs Will Help SImplify Your Home}
- Replaceable Parts: If a cover gets stained or ripped, I can order a new one. If a back pillow starts to sag or a cushion starts to get a butt implant, I can replace it!
- Decor Changes? No Problem! Order New Covers: If at any point I want to redecorate or relocate a piece or two of this sectional, I can order new covers! How amazing is that?
- THE DECIDING FACTOR…. RECLINERS! My peeps have wanted a reclining couch since they first discovered they existed. But, most need clearance behind them to allow the couch to tilt. Not Lovesac! You can push your couch against a wall and still recline! And, get this… we ordered 4 recliners so we can each have one! Movie night has never been more comfortable!
The Good:
CLICK HERE for Lovesac Recliners
- Recliners. With no space needed behind them. Enough Said.
- The Color and the Fabric Work. Seriously, you get the little samples, but you are never quite sure until the couch is in the space. CLICK HERE FOR THE FABRIC SAMPLES.
This is the sky-grey corded velvet and is a fast-shipping fabric.
- The Couch Was Delivered To My Home. More on this later, because this is good and bad. But, it will be dropped right to your doorstep, and guess what? They offer FREE SHIPPING! Woo Hoo!
- The Showroom Visit Is Valuable. Sometimes visiting the store is a complete waste of time. Lovesac is different. The showroom allows you to try EVERYTHING. You can sit on the furniture, see and feel the fabrics, and build your couch with Lovesac blocks! The showroom staff was knowledgeable, kind, and patient. We had a great experience. Is there a store near you? Click Here To Find One.
- Measuring Has Never Been Easier. If you get anxious about measuring like I do, this brand makes it easier than ever. Not only are all of the measurements made very clear, but you can also use blocks at the store to build your sofa on a measured grid. Still, need more reassurance? The information they send home with you has paper punch-out building blocks included. You can take your time at home and really make sure you get it right.
- Add-ons, Features and Accessories: Tables, Trays, Cup-holders, Coasters, Blankets, and Pillows. Want to really go next level with your couch? Check out the new Stealth Technology. Basically, your couch turns into a movie theatre experience at home! (We didn’t add extras aside from the recliners, but we might in the future.)
- The Pieces Come With Clear Directions: Not only will you receive pamphlets with your pieces, but the boxes will also come with directions on the flaps. Also, everything and I mean everything is clearly labeled. It’s almost impossible to get the assembly wrong.
- They Run Sales! And thank goodness they do, because this couch is pricey. We bought ours during a Black Friday sale and personally, I would not buy this couch at full price.
The Not-So-Great Review Of The Lovesac Sectional
- The Price Tag. Even on sale, this sectional is VERY expensive. I knew our configuration would cost a lot, but I still had some sticker shock when I saw the final price. I hate when people beat around the bush about the cost. So, I will be open. When we first built this couch we added our dream pieces, I thought I wanted an expensive custom fabric, and we added accessories. The first quote came to over $20,000!!!!! And no. I’m not kidding. But, when we calmed down and took our time we got just what we needed for our family for less than half of that cost.
- The Big Boxes. And I mean lots and lots of BIG and HEAVY boxes. And, they might be left right in front of your garage door. That’s what happened to my husband and he was the only one home and rain was in the forecast. He had to push those monsters into the garage by himself. So watch the delivery dates and get yourself a plan or some help to deal with the beasts!
- Delivery Might Be Slow And The Pieces Might Not All Come At One Time. Again, this happened to us. At first, you’re excited to see the couch boxes arrive, but then you realize that you have an old couch to deal with and pieces of a new couch that you can’t fully install. We lived in this limbo for a few weeks. When we ordered from Crate and Barrel, we received white glove delivery and it all arrived at an organized time all at once. This is definitely a BIG difference from Lovesac.
- You Have To Cover All Of The Pieces. YAY! A washable couch. BOO! you have to cover every piece. I was able to do this completely alone so it’s not a hard task. If you have ever worn skinny jeans on a not-so-skinny day, you have the skill and ability to pull these covers on! I believe in you! Also, my advice is to do them in stages. It can be a lot of work, especially if you ordered a large sectional.
- You Will Have More Boxes In Your House Than You Can Ever Imagine. The boxes are huge, there are more inside and plastic wrapping and even more cardboard spacers. It’s great, that your couch is packaged well… but then you have to deal with the mess. We are lucky that our town has a recycling center. We were able to load all of this up in two trips and get it out.
- You Have To Put Your Beast Of A Couch Together: It all sounds so doable and even fun when you place your order for a huge sectional with four recliners. Then, the boxes start coming, and “ish” gets real. You start an assembly line to put your covers on, you have boxes everywhere, pieces of your huge couch in various rooms, and an old couch still parked in your living room while you wait on all of your pieces. It all suddenly becomes way less fun very fast.
- Clean The Room Before You Install: I washed my Ruggable Rug and reinstalled it, washed and rehung my curtains, and even wiped the wall behind the couch before I added my new Lovesac sectional. I definitely recommend you do that too. Nothing like a clean slate!
- Clean Up Your Old Couch Before You Send It Off: Your old couch and its new owners deserve a final clean. A simple pass with a vacuum or even better – a deep steam clean just makes everyone feel better.
- Get Help: I say this as someone who would rather strain six muscles in my back before asking for any kind of help. It’s a good project to do with someone. This might even be a project for TaskRabbit.com. I have never used them, but I could have!
- Make A Plan For Your Million Empty Boxes: You will have SO MANY boxes. And once they are empty you will have to find a way to get rid of them. We have a recycling center in town- which is how I got rid of mine. But, you might need to speak with your garbage man to come up with a plan to get them out.
- You Can Empty Your Boxes Instead Of Moving Them As They Come: Some of the boxes are very heavy, but the contents aren’t so bad to carry in pieces. If you are doing some of the work on your own, I suggest opening the boxes and dealing with one piece at a time.
Final Thoughts:
So far, we love the sectional. All of us and we are hard to please! The sticker shock has worn off and it feels like we made the right choice for our family. My only worry is how to move the couch off the rug to wash it… stay tuned for how I solve that issue!
This post was all about my very honest Lovesac sectional review.
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