Are you struggling to organize electronics in your home? If you need a fresh approach to create a space for your electronics and chargers, this post is for you!
Electronics make our lives so much easier. But, keeping track of devices AND their wires AND keeping them organized AND charged has proven to be a challenge. I promise, if you are struggling to organize electronics, you are not alone.
After trying so many different systems, I found one that has worked for my whole family and I want to share it with you.
You are going to learn how I organize electronics in my home with simple inexpensive products that are easy to find.
This post is all about how to organize electronics in your home.
How To Organize Electronics
Designate a Space.
I decided the built-in cabinet in my living room was the perfect space to store our family electronics. We are a family of four and this cabinet gave me four equal and divided places for electronics. Also, the cabinet hides an unused radiator, so it felt like a perfect spot to hide a little more organized mess.
2. Try A Letter Tray To Separate Devices.
I use one like this to separate each device and give them an area of their own to charge. My bottom level holds my laptop. The middle tray holds my iPad and iPad pencil. I designated the top spot for my phone, AirPods and headphones. You can use the shelves any way they work for you. There are also variations that have additional shelves if you need even more storage. This is a great way to use your vertical space.
3. Power Strips
Power strips with surge protectors are a staple for this project. If you are plugging in valuable devices, you need to keep them safe. This power strip not only gives you areas to plug things in directly, but it also has USB areas that will work with most chargers. Not all power strips protect against surges, but this one does it all!
4. USB Charging Station
Grab yourself at least one USB charging station. I used two for my project and they allowed me to plug in so many devices in one spot. Plug these devices into your power strips to make sure everything you charge is protected from any surge.
5. Wire Clips
Wire clips route your wires and hold them in place. Clipping your wires ensures that they will always be right where you need them to be when you are ready to charge. It also allows them to stay in position so your area will look neat and tidy. And most importantly, if they are secured… no one can steal them!
5. File Folder Bins
Try a file folder bin if you only have limited space. You can attach wire clips to these and use them as mini charging stations. They come in a variety of colors and styles to match your decor. I used these bins to store extra supplies that we often use, but they can serve as your whole station. Get creative!
This post was all about how you can organize your electronics and keep them organized!
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