If you need to prepare for a pet sitter because your fur baby can’t vacation with you, this post will give you the tips to need to get ready. These 9 must do’s will make everything easier on you, your pet and your sitter.
There are a lot of options when it comes to pet care. If you opt to hire a pet and house sitter like my family, this post could give you some great tips to make leaving a little less stressful.
My English bulldog has never been a fan of a kennel. He much prefers to stay home and relax in his bed, with his toys in his house. If you have a pet that likes to stay home while you are away, this post is for you.
This post is all about the 9 must -do’s to prepare for a pet sitter to stay in your house while you are away.
Must-Do’s To Prepare For A Petter Sitter
Set Up A Meet And Greet Before You Book Your Sitter
Do not just book someone online without a meet and greet. This is a big deal because you are allowing someone to stay in your home, with your fur baby. You need to meet the person, your pet needs to meet this person. It’s important that you are all comfortable with the arrangement. This is also the time to discuss cost and expectations.
Here’s a site with options for pet care: CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT OPTIONS
Write Down Notes For A Week Before You Leave
Don’t wait until the night before your pet sitter comes to start writing notes down. There is a lot to remember to share with someone moving into your home to take care of a pet you love. Keep a paper and pen out where you spend a lot of time so as you think of things you can write rough notes down to share. Don’t forget things like: the day the garbage man comes, how to open the back gate that sticks, jiggle the toilet handle so the water shuts off and lock the dog food so your puppy can’t overeat when no one is looking. There is a lot to think about. It will take some time to remember it all.
Need ideas for a check list? CHECK OUT THIS LIST SHEET
Here’s another check list for house sitters? CHECK OUT THIS LIST
Create A Feeding and Walking Schedule With Notes
Ok… you can’t just walk out and say to feed and walk the dog or feed my fish… we all know it’s more complicated than that. Our dog eats 4 times a day and gets two walks and always at or near the same times. We even have trouble keeping track of the feedings and we have the same routine everyday. So, make a chart with room for check marks. A simple chart will keep things organized for your sitter and an organized sitter means a happier everyone- especially your fur baby.
Emergency Contacts and Backup Support
Emergencies happen. Pets get sick and hurt, people get sick, pipes burst, heating suddenly stops working… things happens and your sitter will feel a lot better if they know who to call if disaster strikes. Leave your sitter numbers for your tribe: the vet, a reliable neighbor, the plumber and anyone else that you would call if your roof were to cave in.
And, please have some back up in place. Give your sitter a break. If they suddenly get a hot date and can’t feed your pet at 7:00, give them a back up person to fill in. And what happens if you sitter gets sick or hurt? You need a person that knows your house and your pet that can be there.
Clean Your Pet And Your House
Ok people… do not leave your house or your pet dirty when you invite a sitter to stay in your place. No one will want to come back if your dog stinks, your bathrooms are gross and you can’t see your fish through the dirty water. It’s gross and you know it. Clean your house. Wash your dog.
Pet Proof Your House
If your dog chokes when he chews on bones, don’t leave one out for him. If your puppy chews shoes, put them away before you leave. Walk through your house and check for anything that needs to be put away to keep things safe. And, leave some notes for your sitter to warn her about anything that will keep your pet healthy and happy. Sometimes pet proofing your house is more than inside the house. We have skunks and our dog has been sprayed so we have to turn on all the lights at night to get the skunks away from the house before we let the dog out.
Make Videos
Make videos and I don’t mean Tik Tok videos. If you make a video about how to mix your pet’s food it’s an easier way to show your sitter just how you do it. If you show your pet sitter how to feed your fish or walk your turtle or lure your cat into a crate it is just easier with a video than it is with written notes. So, don’t be shy… make the video. You don’t have to post it or try to make it go viral, but pictures are worth a thousand words.
Make It Feel Like A Vacation House, But Not A Party House
Clean your house, clean your pool (if you have one), leave a space in your driveway or your garage for your sitter to park, make your guest room feel like home. Do things to make your sitter feel they are on a vacation from their life. But, don’t give them a pass to use your house as a party house. Set rules. My rule for visitors while I’m away is that my sitter can have one friend come and hang with them or stay with them. One friend. Inviting ten friends to swim and drink poolside isn’t ok with me and it shouldn’t be expected. It should be a mutual agreement with boundaries. It’s your home.
Go The Extra Mile
Ok… it is awesome if you can go the extra mile for your sitter. If you have a great person that you trust, spoil them a little. Leave them fresh local cookies, an Uber gift card, beautiful soaps and lotions, fresh fruits and veggies, money to buy movies on your apple account or guest passes to your gym or club.
This Post Is All Out How To Prepare For A Pet Sitter
We love our English Bulldog and we hate to leave him. We are lucky enough to have an amazing pet sitter and we hope each time she stays we spoil her a little more.
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