If you need a teen girl bedroom makeover plan, look no further! Every successful project starts with a clear plan and that’s exactly where we will start. So grab a coffee, tape measure, notebook, and pen, and let’s tackle this plan together.
Watching your daughter grow into a teenager can be both exciting and heartbreaking at the same time. It’s hard to keep up with how fast they’re growing and changing in every way. Things that were impressive to them just months ago are no longer even acceptable today and that includes their bedrooms.
So, let’s get started with a plan to give the teen girl in your house a space where she can grow, express herself, and is most importantly functional.
This post is all about how to create a plan for the ultimate teen girl bedroom makeover.
Complete Teen Girl Bedroom Makeover Plan
Step One: Talk To Your Daughter About Her Room
The first thing you need to keep in mind is that this is HER ROOM. As a mom of a teenage girl myself, I know that I could never draft a plan to change her space without including her. Even if this is a surprise, you need to find discrete ways to ask her questions before starting this project.
Here are a few questions I asked that could help guide you:
- What is your favorite part of your room?
- What is your least favorite part?
- Do you feel like you have everything you need in the space?
- What works/ what doesn’t work? (I had to guide this question because I know that she doesn’t use her desk in her room and I wanted to ask why.)
- Are you proud of your room?
- Does any part of your room feel too young or embarrassing when your friends come over?
Step Two: Declutter
This is my favorite part! This is the time to go through every part of that room and get everything out that doesn’t fit the vision. Anything that she feels “doesn’t work” in her room needs to go. We tackled this with a garbage pile, a giveaway pile, a memorabilia pile (that was moved to her memory box), and a pile for things that just don’t belong in her room.
Step Three: Find Teen Girl Bedroom Furniture That Works
Storage Bed
(Click HERE for a link to this storage bed from Ikea.)
This Ikea bed has four HUGE storage drawers that are perfect for storing my daughter’s extra sheets, hoodies, and school uniforms. If you are looking for a bed with storage check out the Brimnes Bed from Ikea. It was worth $319 and I was able to put this together by myself!
Vanity Area
(Click HERE for links to Ikea pieces for vanity or HERE for Ikea small shelves)
(Click HERE for a link to PB Teen jewelry organizer)
I wasn’t sure my daughter would love this vanity when I bought it, but it quickly became the “hot spot” of her room. I built this Ikea unit in no time and it was $219.99. Like I said, I was a little nervous it would be a wasted investment, but I was so wrong!
If you have a teen who loves jewelry then you need to give them ways to organize it all. Necklaces and bracelets easily become tangled and earrings lose their matches if you don’t have a system to care for them. This PB Teen wall organizer might be just what you need. We have used this system for about a year and it has proven to be an easy home for all of her jewelry.
FindThe Right Dresser For Her Space
The right clothing storage is key for a teen girl’s bedroom. Our house is a cape cod style and comes with annoying eves in the upstairs bedrooms. They can be used for storage, but we decided to build the dresser and shelves right into the wall. It’s not as complicated as you might think! Whether you decide to build clothing storage into a closet, or a wall or you purchase a stand-alone option, this element of the room is key.
sleepover spot
Sleepovers have been a BIG part of my daughter’s teen years so we wanted to create an inviting place for her friends to stay. We decided to build the bed right into the wall! Whether you buy and store a simple air mattress (LIKE THIS ONE), add a bunk bed (LIKE THIS ONE), add a trundle (LIKE THIS ONE), buy a chair that converts to a bed (LIKE THIS ONE), or build a bed into the wall, adding an extra bed will make sleepovers less stressful and WAY MORE FUN!
Ruggable Washable Rug
CLICK HERE for a link to this Ruggable Rug.
No room in your home calls for a machine-washable rug more than a teen room. I have replaced almost every rug in my home with these Ruggable versions. Here is the link to the exact rug I bought for my daughter’s room, but I swear by this brand for any space.
Step Four: Make A List Of What Doesn’t Work
her desk and study area
This area has been a huge source of frustration for both my daughter and me. I have changed the desk twice and she still refuses to sit here. After a lot of talking, she realized that she doesn’t like to face the window, the desk is too small and the space doesn’t feel inviting to her. She asked for a much bigger desk that would face the wall, a huge whiteboard to use to study and write out her notes, and simple artwork above the desk.
I love this little desk and it could work for you! – CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO THE DESK.
the paint color
Part of the plan will be to change her paint color from grey to white. I almost always use Benjamin Moore paint for my projects. The plan is to paint the ceilings, walls, and also the trim to give the room a full refresh. Some holes in the ceiling and walls will need to be repaired before I can even begin to paint, so I will have to patch those before I start.
The Vinyl Vanity Cover
When I originally installed this Ikea vanity for my daughter, I knew I would need some type of protective cover. I decided to go with a cheap vinyl cover because I wasn’t sure how much she would use the space and I wanted to try the cheapest cover option first. After some time and a lot of use, we decided to replace this vinyl protective cover with a piece of glass. Surprisingly, after a ton of research, I realized that my local glass company was more convenient and cheaper than ordering online! So the plan is to stay local and get a beautiful piece of glass.
If you’re looking for a vinyl cover to try out, the one pictured has lasted for well over a year. CLICK HERE for a link to the vinyl cover pictured.
Window Coverings
CLICK HERE for a LINK to these cute IKEA shades.
As much as I love a transparent window covering, my daughter wants more of a blackout shade. These Ikea shades have always been a favorite of mine, but it’s time to replace them. If you’re looking for a great inexpensive shade for your home, I still recommend these. They have held up in my other rooms and Ikeas has updated their design and they no longer break along the bar. They are machine washable and come in a few colors and lots of sizes.
Small Seating
CLICK HERE for these cute knitted ottomans.
If you’re looking for cute little floor seating, look no further! These have served us well, but it’s time to get a bigger bench seat now that my daughter and her friends are older. They are too small now and they tend to attract clutter because they aren’t being used as chairs. We are sad to see them go!
Step Five: Write Out A Full Plan And Get Started
After gathering all of the information from my daughter and realizing that we needed to order quite a few things, I took a moment to write out a plan. I spent time with her deciding on the new furniture pieces and came up with steps to get to our vision. These are the steps I followed to get to our vision:
- Patch all holes in the ceiling and walls.
- Remove everything from the walls including the outlet and light covers.
- Paint the ceiling with two coats.
- Paint the walls with two coats.
- Paint all of the trim with two coats.
- Find and install blackout shades.
- Replace the outlet covers and the dresser drawer pulls.
- Find a desk that works for her – it needs to be narrow and long.
- Find a huge whiteboard that will give her space to write notes and study – and it needs to be cute. Get help lined up to install it!
- Get a custom piece of glass made for her vanity top.
- Find a bench for the end of her bed – possibly with storage.
- Get small wall-mounted bedside tables.
- Wash all of her bedding.
- Build and install the new desk.
- Put the room completely back together!
I hope my full plan can help you start your own project! I will post a full reveal with the finished project.
This post was all about creating the ultimate teen bedroom makeover plan.
Other Posts To Check Out:
- The Best Desk Organization Tips For Teen Boys
- The Best Time Management Tips For Teens
- The Right Way To Organize Dresser Drawers To Get Ready Faster