Are you looking for ways to improve your wellbeing? Listed below are a few things you might want to try if you are on a wellness journey.
Working on your health and wellness can be very overwhelming. If you are anything like me, you are reading and researching to find all the ways to get to a healthier body, mind and spirit. I have been on a journey to find ways to improve my health and I want to share a few things that helped me improve my wellness.
After learning about these tips, you will have a few things to try. Working on your wellness takes time and patience so go at your own pace and see if anything works for you.
This post is all about the 5 tips to try to improve your wellbeing.
Tips To Improve Your Wellbeing
1. Diet
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I can go on for days about the different changes I have made to my diet over the years to get to a healthier place. I am vegan now and it works for me, but I wouldn’t tell anyone to follow my lead. Why? because what works for me might not be your answer.
My best advice for anyone on the road to wellness is to listen to your body. Closely. If your stomach feels uncomfortable after meals, listen. If you see redness on your skin after eating certain foods… listen. Your body is constantly talking to you and if you really commit to listening you will suddenly be much better at finding all the clues. Do not get caught up in what people claim to be “healthy diets.” My brother pretty much only eats meat and I don’t eat it at all. We are both improving our health in our own ways that works for us.
What I do know for sure and what I will stand behind is that eating high quality fresh healthy food is super important and crazy expensive. I mean seriously, have you looked at prices lately? This growing company is doing great things to help reduce waste and reduce prices! Check them out!
2. Meditation
(I felt you roll your eyes from here.)
When I tell you that I thought this was something other people did – that’s an understatement. I NEVER thought I would meditate until I found myself struggling with health and SO MANY healthy people swear by it. So, I did it… and here’s what I found… I kind of like it and in a way it has become my home base.
In the morning before life really starts happening I sit for 10 minutes – ok… I lie down. Breathe. Pause. At first I sat in the “meditation position” but I fidgeted and I pretty much hated it. I tried to sit silently, but now I listen to a guided meditation for 10 minutes. Sometimes I’m running late for life and certain things get cut from my routing, but NOT this 10 minutes. Now when life gets crazy and I feel like I’m starting to really stress I can think back to the morning and how I felt and I can slowly get myself calm again.
Bottom line: never say never people. And don’t worry, if you like it, you don’t have to tell anyone:)
3. Epsom Salts
Click HERE to buy this on AMAZON.
Yup, this stuff works for me in ways I couldn’t really imagine. When I started my wellness journey I committed to one salt bath per week. It lowered my inflammation, helped me to sleep more deeply, flooded my body with magnesium and seemed to relax every muscle in 15 minutes.
It’s a beautiful thing to start your day with ten minutes of meditation time and end your day with a 15 minute soak to prepare your body for sleep. And the best part? It’s not expensive at all. I throw in two cups and fill the tub with warm water and come out feeling like I just had a massage.
And for all of you that are about to tell me you have no time for a bath once a week… check your screen time and try again. You can do it and you deserve it!
4. Reflexology
After a ton of research and a hunch I decided to add reflexology to my self care routine. My goal was to go every other week to help with stress management. And, although many many people have more reasons to be stressed than I do, I knew that I wasn’t going to improve until I learned to relax. Reflexology is a non-invasive pretty cool wellness tool with a lot of research behind it. An hour long session costs me $40. It’s not cheap, but if you are looking for a wellness option this one is a great place to start.
5. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a treatment not a trip to the spa. I had two theories about acupuncture before I started… either I would feel pinches from the needles or I would feel nothing and sleep through my sessions. Ummmm. No. When I first started acupuncture, the needles were painful – meaning some of them would burn and each needle seemed to light up or relax a different part of my body. It is nothing I can really explain to you and honestly it wouldn’t matter. Your experience would be very personal to you. And, if you are looking to improve your wellbeing and you have a little extra to invest, try it! You just might start to heal – I did. Just don’t expect acupuncture to feel like a massage… it’s not the same. And yes, those are bruises from cupping. But now, I get the same treatment and I no longer leave with marks. I am told it’s because I no longer have blockages? I have no clue. I’m healing, that’s what matters.
This post was all about tips to improve your wellbeing.
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